PyNeb  1.1.2
PyNeb Reference Manua
pyneb.utils._chianti_constants Namespace Reference


float planck = 6.6260693e-27
float planckEv = 4.13566743e-15
int light = 29979245800
float ev2Ang = 12.39841875e+3
float ev2Erg = 1.602176487e-12
float pi = 3.1415926535897931
float boltzmann = 1.3806504e-16
float stefanBoltzmann = 5.670373e-5
float boltzmannEv = 8.617343e-5
int invCm2Ev = 1
int invCm2ryd = 1
float ryd2Ev = 13.6056923
float ryd2erg = 2.17987197e-11
float fine = 7.2973525376e-3
float emass = 9.10938215e-28
float bohr = 0.52917720859e-8
float hartree = 4.35974434e-11
float hartreeEv = 27.21138505
 hc = planck*light
int bohrCross = pi*bohr**2
int std2fwhm = 2
 invCm2Erg = planck*light
 boltzmannRyd = boltzmannEv/ryd2Ev
int collision = planck**2
int freeFree = 1
tuple sutherland = (2./(3.*np.sqrt(3.)))
int freeBound = 1
tuple verner = (1.e-8/(planck*light**3*emass**3))
tuple freeFreeLoss = (8./3.)
tuple freeBoundLoss = ((16.*fine*(planck**2))/(3.*pi*np.sqrt(3.)*(emass**3)*(light**2)))
float luminositySun = 3.86e+33
float radiusSun = 6.955e+10
float parsec = 3.08568025e+18
list El
list Ionstage
list Spd
int ngl = 12
tuple xgl
tuple wgl

Detailed Description

A set of physical constants.

Copyright 2009, 2010 Kenneth P. Dere

This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
that is found in the LICENSE file

Most are from - the NIST Reference on
Constants, Units and Uncertainty

Variable Documentation

float bohr = 0.52917720859e-8
int bohrCross = pi*bohr**2
float boltzmann = 1.3806504e-16
float boltzmannEv = 8.617343e-5
boltzmannRyd = boltzmannEv/ryd2Ev
int collision = planck**2
list El
Initial value:
1 = ['h','he','li','be','b','c','n','o','f','ne','na', \
2  'mg','al','si','p','s','cl','ar','k','ca','sc','ti', \
3  'v','cr','mn','fe','co','ni','cu','zn',\
4  'ga','ge','as','se','br','kr']
float emass = 9.10938215e-28
float ev2Ang = 12.39841875e+3
float ev2Erg = 1.602176487e-12
float fine = 7.2973525376e-3
int freeBound = 1
tuple freeBoundLoss = ((16.*fine*(planck**2))/(3.*pi*np.sqrt(3.)*(emass**3)*(light**2)))
int freeFree = 1
tuple freeFreeLoss = (8./3.)
float hartree = 4.35974434e-11
float hartreeEv = 27.21138505
hc = planck*light
invCm2Erg = planck*light
int invCm2Ev = 1
int invCm2ryd = 1
list Ionstage
Initial value:
1 = ['I','II','III','IV','V','VI','VII','VIII','IX','X','XI','XII','XIII', \
2  'XIV','XV','XVI','XVII','XVIII','XIX','XX','XXI',' XXII','XXIII','XXIV', \
int light = 29979245800
float luminositySun = 3.86e+33
int ngl = 12
float parsec = 3.08568025e+18
float pi = 3.1415926535897931
float planck = 6.6260693e-27
float planckEv = 4.13566743e-15
float radiusSun = 6.955e+10
float ryd2erg = 2.17987197e-11
float ryd2Ev = 13.6056923
list Spd
Initial value:
1 = ['S', 'P', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'Q', 'R', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W',
2  'X','Y', 'Z', 'A','B', 'C', 'S1', 'P1', 'D1', 'E1', 'F1', 'G1', 'H1', 'I1', 'K1', 'L1',
3  'M1', 'N1', 'O1', 'Q1', 'R1', 'T1', 'U1', 'V1', 'W1','X1','Y1', 'Z1', 'A1','B1', 'C1']
int std2fwhm = 2
float stefanBoltzmann = 5.670373e-5
tuple sutherland = (2./(3.*np.sqrt(3.)))
tuple verner = (1.e-8/(planck*light**3*emass**3))
tuple wgl
Initial value:
1 = np.asarray([2.647313710554435e-01,3.777592758731382e-01,2.440820113198774e-01,9.044922221168074e-02
2  ,2.010238115463406e-02,2.663973541865321e-03,2.032315926629993e-04,8.365055856819753e-06
3  ,1.668493876540914e-07,1.342391030515027e-09,3.061601635035012e-12,8.148077467426124e-16], 'float64')
tuple xgl
Initial value:
1 = np.asarray([0.115722117358021,0.611757484515131,1.512610269776419,2.833751337743509
2  ,4.599227639418353,6.844525453115181,9.621316842456871,13.006054993306350
3  ,17.116855187462260,22.151090379396983,28.487967250983992,37.099121044466926], 'float64')