PyNeb  1.1.2
PyNeb Reference Manua
pyneb.utils.misc Namespace Reference


def bs (x)
def execution_path (filename)
def int_to_roman (input_)
def roman_to_int (input_)
def parseAtom (atom)
def parseAtom2 (atom)
def strExtract
def formatExceptionInfo
def multi_split (s, seps)
def cleanPypicFiles
def getPypicFiles
def revert_seterr (oldsettings)
def quiet_divide (a, b)
def quiet_log10 (a)
def get_reduced
def get_reduced_dic
def addRand
def solve_cvxopt (a, b)
def solve (a, b)


 cvxopt_ok = True

Function Documentation

def pyneb.utils.misc.addRand (   N,
  list_errors = None,
  lowlim = None 
This function adds MonteCarlo random-gauss values to a list.

    N: number of MonteCarlo values to be added
    list_: list of input values
    list_errors: list of errors associated to the values in list_. The errors are absolutes, the 
        result will be a gaussian distribution of sigma=list_errors.
        If None, the functions adds N time the same values to the list
    lowlim: if not None (default), any random-gauss number lower then the lowlim value is set to lowlim.
    print addRand(3, [1,2,3]) # no errors: no random values, only replicates the values
        [1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]
    print addRand(3, [1,20,300], [1, 1, 0.1])
        [1, 20, 300, 
        1.550094377016822, 1.868307356917796, 1.0242090163674675, 
        19.782857703031276, 19.049474190752157, 21.58680361755194, 
        299.99810384362934, 300.00753905080154, 299.94052054137694]
def bs (   x)
def pyneb.utils.misc.cleanPypicFiles (   files = None,
  all_ = False,
  dir_ = None 
Method to clean the directory containing the pypics files.

    - files    list of files to be removed
    - all_      Boolean, is set to True, all the files are deleted from the directory
    - dir_      directory from where the files are removed. 
            If None (default), pn.config.pypic_path is used.
def pyneb.utils.misc.execution_path (   filename)
def pyneb.utils.misc.formatExceptionInfo (   maxTBlevel = 5)
def pyneb.utils.misc.get_reduced (   N_rand,
  value_method = 'original',
  error_method = 'std' 
This function returns a tuple of value and error corresponding to an array of values 
    obtained from a MonteCarlo computation
It takes as argument an array that contains the original value, 
    followed by N_rand MonteCarlo values.
The relevant value is computed by returning the original value (default), the mean or the median, 
    depending on "value_method"
The errors are computed by 68% quantiles or standart deviation (Default), 
    depending on "error_method"
def pyneb.utils.misc.get_reduced_dic (   N_rand,
  value_method = 'original',
  error_method = 'std',
  abund12 = False 
This function returns a dictionary of values (ionic or atomic abundances, temp...) and errors.
It takes as argument a dictionary that is supposed to contains n_obs_ori values from
    the original observations, followed (optionaly) by N_rand*n_obs_ori MonteCarlo values.
The new values are computed by returning the original value (default), the mean or the median, 
    depending on "value_method"
The errors are computed by 68% quantiles or standart deviation (Default), depending on on "error_method"

It also transforms the abundances by number into 12+log10(abundances by number)
def pyneb.utils.misc.getPypicFiles (   dir_ = None)
Return the list of files in the directory.

    - dir_     directory from where the files are removed. 
               If None (default), pn.pypic_path is used.
def pyneb.utils.misc.int_to_roman (   input_)
Convert an integer to Roman numerals.

>>> int_to_roman(0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Argument must be between 1 and 3999

>>> int_to_roman(-1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Argument must be between 1 and 3999

>>> int_to_roman(1.5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: expected integer, got <type 'float'>

>>> print int_to_roman(2000)

>>> print int_to_roman(1999)
def pyneb.utils.misc.multi_split (   s,
def pyneb.utils.misc.parseAtom (   atom)
Parses an atom label into the element and spectrum parts
def pyneb.utils.misc.parseAtom2 (   atom)
Parses an atom label into the element and spectrum parts
def pyneb.utils.misc.quiet_divide (   a,
This function returns the division of a by b, without any waring in case of b beeing 0.
def pyneb.utils.misc.quiet_log10 (   a)
This function returns the log10 of a, without any waring in case of b beeing 0.
def pyneb.utils.misc.revert_seterr (   oldsettings)
This function revert the options of seterr to a value saved in oldsettings.

    oldsettings = np.seterr(all='ignore')
    to_return = (result - int_ratio) / int_ratio # this will not issue Warning messages

    oldsettings  result of np.seterr(all='ignore')
def pyneb.utils.misc.roman_to_int (   input_)
Convert a roman numeral to an integer.

>>> r = range(1, 4000)
>>> nums = [int_to_roman(i) for i in r]
>>> ints = [roman_to_int(n) for n in nums]
>>> print r == ints

>>> roman_to_int('VVVIV')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: input is not a valid roman numeral: VVVIV

>>> roman_to_int(1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: expected string, got <type 'int'>

>>> roman_to_int('a')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: input is not a valid roman numeral: A

>>> roman_to_int('IL')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: input is not a valid roman numeral: IL
def pyneb.utils.misc.solve (   a,
def pyneb.utils.misc.solve_cvxopt (   a,
def pyneb.utils.misc.strExtract (   text,
  par1 = None,
  par2 = None 
Extract a substring from text (first parameter)
If par1 is a string, the extraction starts after par1,
else if it is an integer, it starts at position par1.
If par 2 is a string, extraction stops at par2, 
else if par2 is an integer, extraction stops after par2 characters.



Variable Documentation

cvxopt_ok = True