manage Cloudy photoionization code
Inherits object.
Public Member Functions | |
def | __init__ |
Cloudy model object. More... | |
def | read_outputs (self, extension, delimiter='\t', comments=';', names=True, kwargs) |
def | zones (self) |
array of zones [int array] More... | |
def | n_zones (self) |
number of zones [int] More... | |
def | depth (self) |
depth [float array] (cm) More... | |
def | thickness (self) |
thickness [float array] (cm) More... | |
def | radius (self) |
radius [float array] (cm) More... | |
def | dr (self) |
size of each zone [float array] (cm) More... | |
def | drff (self) |
size of each zone taking into account filling factor [float array] (cm) More... | |
def | dv (self) |
volume of each zone [float array] (cm^3) More... | |
def | dvff (self) |
volume of each zone taking into account filling factor [float array] (cm^3) More... | |
def | ne (self) |
electron density [float array] (cm^-3) More... | |
def | nH (self) |
Hydrogen density [float array] (cm^-3) More... | |
def | nenH (self) |
ne.nH [float array] (cm^-6) More... | |
def | te (self) |
Electron temperature [float array] (K) More... | |
def | tenenH (self) | float array More... | |
def | ff (self) |
filling factor [float array] More... | |
def | cool (self) |
cooling [float array] More... | |
def | heat (self) |
heating [float array] More... | |
def | rad_integ (self, a) |
rad_integ(a) = ![]() | |
def | vol_integ (self, a) |
vol_integ(a) = ![]() | |
def | vol_mean |
vol_mean(a, b) = ![]() | |
def | rad_mean |
rad_mean(a, b) = ![]() | |
def | log_U (self) |
log(U) in each zone [float array], with U(r) = ![]() | |
def | log_U_mean (self) |
log_U_mean = ![]() | |
def | log_U_mean_ne (self) |
log_U_mean_ne = ![]() | |
def | get_ionic (self, elem, ion) |
def | gtemp (self) |
def | gabund (self) |
def | gdgrat (self) |
def | gmass (self) |
def | get_T0_ion_vol |
get_T0_ion_vol(X, i) = ![]() | |
def | get_T0_ion_rad |
get_T0_ion_rad(X, i) = ![]() | |
def | get_ab_ion_vol |
get_ab_ion_vol(X, i) = ![]() | |
def | get_ab_ion_rad |
get_ab_ion_rad(X, i) = ![]() | |
def | get_ne_ion_vol_ne |
get_ne_ion_vol_ne(X, i) = ![]() | |
def | get_T0_ion_vol_ne |
get_T0_ion_vol_ne(X, i) = ![]() | |
def | get_T0_ion_rad_ne |
get_T0_ion_rad_ne(X, i) = ![]() | |
def | get_ne_ion_rad_ne |
get_ne_ion_rad_ne(X, i) = ![]() | |
def | get_ab_ion_vol_ne |
get_ab_ion_vol_ne(X, i) = ![]() | |
def | get_ab_ion_rad_ne |
get_ab_ion_rad_ne(X, i) = ![]() | |
def | get_t2_ion_vol_ne |
get_t2_ion_vol_ne(X, i) = ![]() | |
def | get_t2_ion_rad_ne |
get_t2_ion_vol_ne(X, i) = ![]() | |
def | get_line (self, ref) |
def | get_emis (self, ref) |
return the emissivities(radius) of the given line array float More... | |
def | get_emis_vol |
get_emis_vol(ref, [at_earth]) = ![]() | |
def | get_emis_rad (self, ref) |
get_emis_rad(ref) = ![]() | |
def | get_T0_emis (self, ref) |
get_T0_emis(ref) = ![]() | |
def | get_T0_emis_rad (self, ref) |
get_T0_emis_rad(ref) = ![]() | |
def | get_ne_emis (self, ref) |
get_ne_emis(ref) = ![]() | |
def | nH_mean (self) |
def | get_t2_emis (self, ref) |
get_t2_emis(ref) = ![]() | |
def | get_cont_x |
Return the wavelength/energy/frequency array. More... | |
def | get_cont_y |
Return the continuum flux (stellar or nebular, depending on cont parameter. More... | |
def | get_G0 |
get_G0 = integral(f_lambda . More... | |
def | r_range (self) |
Boolean array defining the range used for the radial parameters (such as ne, ionic, integrals, etc) Defined by r_in_cut and r_out_cut. More... | |
def | Hp_mass (self) |
Hp_mass = ![]() | |
def | H0_mass (self) |
H0_mass = ![]() | |
def | H_mass (self) |
H0_mass = ![]() | |
def | Hbeta (self) |
Hbeta = ![]() | |
def | T0 (self) |
Mean Temperature ![]() | |
def | t2 (self) |
t2 a la Peimbert ![]() | |
def | get_Hb_SB (self) |
Hb_SB = I ![]() | |
def | get_EW (self, label, lam0, lam_inf, lam_sup) |
def | get_EW2 |
def | get_Hb_EW (self) |
Hb_EW = - ![]() | |
def | get_Ha_EW (self) |
Ha_EW = - ![]() | |
def | is_valid_ion (self, elem, ion) |
is_valid_ion(elem, ion) return True if elem, ion is available in get_ionic. More... | |
def | emis_from_pyneb |
def | add_emis_from_pyneb |
def | plot_spectrum (self, xunit='eV', cont='ntrans', yunit='es', ax=None, xlog=True, ylog=True, kargv) |
def | print_lines |
def | print_stats (self) |
def | __repr__ (self) |
def | __str__ (self) |
Public Attributes | |
log_ | |
logging tool [my_logging object] More... | |
model_name | |
name of the model [str] More... | |
info | |
calling | |
model_name_s | |
line_is_log | |
distance | |
distance to the object (kpc) More... | |
empty_model | |
liste_elem | |
n_ions | |
ionic_full | |
ionic_names | |
n_zones_full | |
total number of zones, r_range unused [int] More... | |
zones_full | |
arrays of zones, r_range unused [int array] More... | |
depth_full | |
array of depths, r_range unused [float array] (cm) More... | |
radius_full | |
array of radius, r_range unused [float array] (cm) More... | |
dv_full | |
array of volume element of each zone, r_range unused float array More... | |
dr_full | |
array of thickness element of each zone, r_range unused [float array] (cm) More... | |
r_in | |
Initial radius [float] (cm) More... | |
r_out | |
Final radius [float] (cm) More... | |
thickness_full | |
total thickness of the nebula, r_range not used [float] (cm) More... | |
ne_full | |
array of electron density, r_range unused [float] (cm^-3) More... | |
nH_full | |
array of Hydrogen density, r_range unused [float] (cm^-3) More... | |
te_full | |
array of electron temperature, r_range unused [float] (K) More... | |
nenH_full | |
array of ne.nH, r_range unused [float] (cm^-6) More... | |
tenenH_full | |
array of, r_range unused float More... | |
n_lines | |
lines | |
intens | |
slines | |
rlines | |
heat_full | |
cool_full | |
emis_full | |
opd_energy | |
opd_total | |
opd_absorp | |
opd_scat | |
n_gtemp | |
gtemp_full | |
gsize | |
gtemp_labels | |
n_gabund | |
gabund_full | |
gasize | |
gabund_labels | |
n_gdgrat | |
gdgrat_full | |
gdsize | |
gdgrat_labels | |
plan_par | |
Hbeta_full | |
Phi0 | |
Phi | |
ff_full | |
array of filling factor, r_range unused [float] More... | |
nenHff2_full | |
nHff_full | |
H_mass_full | |
line_labels | |
line_labels_17 | |
line_labels_13 | |
emis_labels | |
emis_labels_17 | |
emis_labels_13 | |
n_emis | |
n_elements | |
out | |
C3D_comments | |
comments | |
warnings | |
cautions | |
out_exists | |
date_model | |
Teff | |
cloudy_version | |
cloudy_version_major | |
emis_is_log | |
theta | |
phi | |
Q | |
Q0 | |
abund | |
gas_mass_per_H | |
aborted | |
Properties | |
r_out_cut = property(_get_r_out_cut, _set_r_out_cut, None, _r_out_cut_doc) | |
User defined outer radius of the nebula [float] (cm). More... | |
r_in_cut = property(_get_r_in_cut, _set_r_in_cut, None, 'User defined inner radius of the nebula.') | |
User defined inner radius of the nebula [float] (cm) More... | |
H_mass_cut = property(_get_H_mass_cut, _set_H_mass_cut, None, None) | |
Hbeta_cut = property(_get_Hbeta_cut, _set_Hbeta_cut, None, None) | |
Read the outputs of Cloudy into variables of the object. Also perform some computations like T0, t2 for all the ions and lines. Provides methods to access some outputs (e.g. continuum in various units)
The Cloudy model must have been run with the following punch or save in the input file:
set punch prefix "MODEL" (can be changed) punch last radius ".rad" punch last continuum ".cont" punch last physical conditions ".phy" punch last overview ".ovr" punch last grain temperature ".gtemp_full" punch last element hydrogen ".ele_H" punch last element helium ".ele_He" punch last element carbon ".ele_C" punch last element nitrogen ".ele_N" punch last element oxygen ".ele_O" punch last element argon ".ele_Ar" punch last element neon ".ele_Ne" punch last element sulphur ".ele_S" punch last element chlorin ".ele_Cl" punch last element iron ".ele_Fe" punch last element silicon ".ele_Si" punch last linelist ".lin" "liste_of_lines.dat" punch last lines emissivity ".emis" ... liste of lines ... No need to be the same as liste_of_lines.dat end of lines in case of version >= 10: save last grain abundances ".gabund_full"' save last grain D/G ratio ".gdgrat_full"'
usage: m1 = CloudyModel('MODEL') plot(m1.radius,m1.get_emis('Fe_3__5271A')) plot m1.depth,m1.te
y = 'e("TOTL__4363A")/e("O__3__5007A")' e = lambda line: m1.get_emis(line) plot m1.te,eval(y)
self.n_zones : number of zones Cloudy used. self.depth : depth in cm, ndarray(n_zones) self.radius : radius in cm, ndarray(n_zones) self.r_in and r_out : minimum and maximum of self.radius and nH : electron and H-densities in cm-3, ndarray(n_zones) self.te : electron temperature in K, ndarray(n_zones) self.nenH and tenenH : some products of the previous. self.T0 and self.t2: mean T and t2 for H+
self.n_lines : number of emission lines in the .lin file self.line_labels : lines names, ndarray(n_lines,dtype='S20') self.get_line : line intensities
some lines can appear more than one time in the list of lines, they then have a _N at the end of the label. the following deal with this: self.slines : array of uniq values for lines (single lines) self.n_slines : number of self.rlines : array of reduced labels : for duplicate lines, removing the trailing _N
dev comments:
GPL Chris .Mor isset @Gma m
def __init__ | ( | self, | |
model_name, | |||
verbose = None , |
read_all_ext = True , |
read_rad = True , |
read_phy = True , |
read_emis = True , |
read_grains = False , |
read_cont = True , |
read_heatcool = False , |
read_lin = False , |
read_opd = False , |
list_elem = LIST_ELEM , |
distance = None , |
line_is_log = False , |
emis_is_log = True , |
ionic_str_key = 'ele_' |
) |
Cloudy model object.
param: - model_name [str] The name of the model to be read. - verbose [int] level of verbosity as defined by pyCloudy.my_logging. - read_all_ext [boolean] if True, all the extensions are read, if False no extension (empty object). - read_emis [boolean] if True, emissivities .emis file_ is read and interpreted. - read_grains [boolean] if True, grains .gtemp, .gdgrat and .gabund files are read and interpreted. - read_cont [boolean] if True, continuum .cont file_ is read and interpreted. - list_elem [list of str] list of elements X for which ionic abundance .ele_X file_ is read. - distance [float] distance to the nebula in kpc - line_is_log [boolean] if True, intensities in .lin file_ are in log, if False are in linear - emis_is_log [boolean] if True, intensities in .emis file_ are in log, if False are in linear
def __repr__ | ( | self | ) |
def __str__ | ( | self | ) |
def add_emis_from_pyneb | ( | self, | |
new_label, | |||
pyneb_atom, | |||
label = None , |
wave = None |
) |
Add a new line emissivity using PyNeb. new_label: name of the new emission line pyneb_atom: a Atom or RecAtom PyNeb object label or wave: identifier of the transition in the PyNeb object example: M.add_emis_from_pyneb('O__2R_4639', O2, label='4638.86')
def cool | ( | self | ) |
cooling [float array]
array of colling (on r_range)
def depth | ( | self | ) |
depth [float array] (cm)
array of depth (on r_range)
def dr | ( | self | ) |
size of each zone [float array] (cm)
array of dr (on r_range)
def drff | ( | self | ) |
size of each zone taking into account filling factor [float array] (cm)
array of dr (on r_range)
def dv | ( | self | ) |
volume of each zone [float array] (cm^3)
array of volume element (on r_range)
def dvff | ( | self | ) |
volume of each zone taking into account filling factor [float array] (cm^3)
array of volume element (on r_range)
def emis_from_pyneb | ( | self, | |
emis_labels = None , |
atoms = None |
) |
change the emissivities using PyNeb. emis_labels: list of line to be changed. If unset, all the lines will be changed. You may generate emis_labels this way (here to select only S lines): S_labels = [emis for emis in CloudyModel.emis_labels if emis[0:2] == 'S_'] atoms: dictionary of pyneb.Atom objects to be used. If unset, all the atoms will be build using pyneb. This allows the user to mix atomic dataset by creating atoms outside CloudyModel. Keys of the dictionnary pointing to None instaed of an Atom will not change the corresponding emissivities.
def ff | ( | self | ) |
filling factor [float array]
array of filling factor (on r_range)
def gabund | ( | self | ) |
def gdgrat | ( | self | ) |
def get_ab_ion_rad | ( | self, | |
elem = None , |
ion = None |
) |
get_ab_ion_rad(X, i) =
param: elem [str] element ion [str or int] ionic state of ion return: Ionic fraction integrated on the radius weighted by nH
def get_ab_ion_rad_ne | ( | self, | |
elem = None , |
ion = None |
) |
get_ab_ion_rad_ne(X, i) =
param: elem [str] element ion [str or int] ionic state of ion return: ionic fraction integrated on the radius weighted by ne.nH
def get_ab_ion_vol | ( | self, | |
elem = None , |
ion = None |
) |
get_ab_ion_vol(X, i) =
param: elem [str] element ion [str or int] ionic state of ion return: Ionic fraction integrated on the volume weighted by hydrogen density
def get_ab_ion_vol_ne | ( | self, | |
elem = None , |
ion = None |
) |
get_ab_ion_vol_ne(X, i) =
param: elem [str] element ion [str or int] ionic state of ion return: ionic fraction integrated on the volume weighted by ne.nH
def get_cont_x | ( | self, | |
unit = 'Ryd' |
) |
Return the wavelength/energy/frequency array.
param: unit : one of ['Ryd','eV','Ang','mu','cm-1','Hz'] return: continuum X: wavelength, energys, wv number, or frequency
def get_cont_y | ( | self, | |
cont = 'incid' , |
unit = 'es' , |
dist_norm = 'at_earth' |
) |
Return the continuum flux (stellar or nebular, depending on cont parameter.
param: cont : one of ['incid','trans','diffout','ntrans','reflec'] unit : one of ['esc', 'ec3','es','esA','esAc','esHzc','Jy','Q', 'Wcmu', 'phs', 'phsmu'] dist_norm : one of ['at_earth', 'r_out', a float for a distance in cm] return: continuum flux or intensity
First define which of the 5 continua will be return
def get_emis | ( | self, | |
ref | |||
) |
return the emissivities(radius) of the given line array float
Return emissivity. param: ref can be a label or a number (starting at 0 with the first line)
def get_emis_rad | ( | self, | |
ref | |||
) |
get_emis_rad(ref) =
Return integration of the emissivity on the radius param: ref can be a label or a number (starting at 0 with the first line)
def get_emis_vol | ( | self, | |
ref, | |||
at_earth = False |
) |
get_emis_vol(ref, [at_earth]) =
Return integration of the emissivity on the volume (should be the line intensity if r_out_cut>=r_out) param: ref can be a label or a number (starting at 0 with the first line)
def get_EW | ( | self, | |
label, | |||
lam0, | |||
lam_inf, | |||
lam_sup | |||
) |
Equivalent Width: Returns -lam0 * I(label) / continuum(lam0) where continuum(lam0) is estimated by looking for the minimum of the net transmited continuum between lam_inf and lam0 on one side, and lam0 and lam_sup on the other side, and meaning them. In case of steep continuum or absorbtion lines, the mean continuum is underestimated.
def get_EW2 | ( | self, | |
label, | |||
lam0, | |||
lam_inf, | |||
lam_sup, | |||
plot = False |
) |
Equivalent Width: Returns -lam0 * I(label) / continuum(lam0) where continuum(lam0) is estimated by fitting the continuum between [lam_inf, lam0*0.99] and [lam0*1.01, lam_sup] and applying the fit to lam0. Of course, if strong emission/absorbtion lines are included in this domain, the results is not correct
def get_G0 | ( | self, | |
lam_min = 913 , |
lam_max = 1e8 , |
dist_norm = 'r_out' , |
norm = 1.6e-6 , |
unit = 'Wm' |
) |
get_G0 = integral(f_lambda .
dlambda) Between lam_min and lam_max (Ang), normalized by norm, in unit of W.m-2 or
Normalisation from Habing 1968: 1.6e-6
def get_Ha_EW | ( | self | ) |
Ha_EW = - .
Halpha Equivalent Width: Returns -6563 * I(H__1__6563A) / continuum(6563) where continuum(6563) is estimated by looking for the minimum of the net transmited continuum between 6260 and 6560 on one side, and 6560 and 6860 on the other side, and meaning them.
def get_Hb_EW | ( | self | ) |
Hb_EW = - .
Hbeta Equivalent Width: Returns -4861 * I(H__1__4861A) / continuum(4860) where continuum(4860) is estimated by looking for the minimum of the net transmited continuum between 4560 and 4860 on one side, and 4860 and 5160 on the other side, and meaning them.
def get_Hb_SB | ( | self | ) |
Hb_SB = I .
Hbeta surface brightness: Returns Ibeta / (Rout**2 * pi * 206265.**2)
def get_ionic | ( | self, | |
elem, | |||
ion | |||
) |
param elem [str] element ion [str or int] ionic state of ion return: ionic fraction of (elem, ion).
def get_line | ( | self, | |
ref | |||
) |
Return line intensity. ref can be a label or a number (starting at 0 with the first line)
def get_ne_emis | ( | self, | |
ref | |||
) |
get_ne_emis(ref) =
integral of the electron density on the volume, weighted by emissivity of a given line param: ref [int or str] line reference return: [float]
def get_ne_ion_rad_ne | ( | self, | |
elem = None , |
ion = None |
) |
get_ne_ion_rad_ne(X, i) =
param: elem [str] element ion [str or int] ionic state of ion return: electron density integrated on the radius weighted by ne.nH.Xi/X
def get_ne_ion_vol_ne | ( | self, | |
elem = None , |
ion = None |
) |
get_ne_ion_vol_ne(X, i) =
param: elem [str] element ion [str or int] ionic state of ion return: electron density integrated on the volume weighted by ne.nH.Xi/X
def get_T0_emis | ( | self, | |
ref | |||
) |
get_T0_emis(ref) =
integral of the electron temperature on the volume, weighted by emissivity of a given line param: ref [int or str] line reference return: [float]
def get_T0_emis_rad | ( | self, | |
ref | |||
) |
get_T0_emis_rad(ref) =
integral of the electron temperature on the radius, weighted by emissivity of a given line param: ref [int or str] line reference return: [float]
def get_T0_ion_rad | ( | self, | |
elem = None , |
ion = None |
) |
get_T0_ion_rad(X, i) =
param: elem [str] element ion [str or int] ionic state of ion return: Electron temperature integrated on the radius weighted by ionic abundance
def get_T0_ion_rad_ne | ( | self, | |
elem = None , |
ion = None |
) |
get_T0_ion_rad_ne(X, i) =
param: elem [str] element ion [str or int] ionic state of ion return: electron temperature integrated on the radius weighted by ne.nH.Xi/X
def get_T0_ion_vol | ( | self, | |
elem = None , |
ion = None |
) |
get_T0_ion_vol(X, i) =
param: elem [str] element ion [str or int] ionic state of ion return: Electron temperature integrated on the volume weighted by ionic abundance
def get_T0_ion_vol_ne | ( | self, | |
elem = None , |
ion = None |
) |
get_T0_ion_vol_ne(X, i) =
param: elem [str] element ion [str or int] ionic state of ion return: electron temperature integrated on the volume weighted by ne.nH.Xi/X
def get_t2_emis | ( | self, | |
ref | |||
) |
get_t2_emis(ref) =
t2(emissivity) integrated on the volume, weigthed by the emissivity param: ref [int or str] line reference return: [float]
def get_t2_ion_rad_ne | ( | self, | |
elem = None , |
ion = None |
) |
get_t2_ion_vol_ne(X, i) =
param: elem [str] element ion [str or int] ionic state of ion return: t2 integrated on the radius weighted by ne.nH.X^i/X
def get_t2_ion_vol_ne | ( | self, | |
elem = None , |
ion = None |
) |
get_t2_ion_vol_ne(X, i) =
param: elem [str] element ion [str or int] ionic state of ion return: t2 integrated on the volume weighted by ne.nH.X^i/X
def gmass | ( | self | ) |
def gtemp | ( | self | ) |
def H0_mass | ( | self | ) |
H0_mass = [solar mass].
Return the H0 mass of the nebula in solar mass
def H_mass | ( | self | ) |
H0_mass = [solar mass].
Return the H mass of the nebula in solar mass
def Hbeta | ( | self | ) |
Hbeta = [solar mass].
Return the intensity of Hbeta
def heat | ( | self | ) |
heating [float array]
array of heating (on r_range)
def Hp_mass | ( | self | ) |
Hp_mass = [solar mass].
Return the H+ mass of the nebula in solar mass
def is_valid_ion | ( | self, | |
elem, | |||
ion | |||
) |
is_valid_ion(elem, ion) return True if elem, ion is available in get_ionic.
param: elem [str] element ion [str or int] ionic state of ion return: [boolean] True if elem,ion has value for get_ionic(elem, ion)
def log_U | ( | self | ) |
log(U) in each zone [float array], with U(r) =
U = Phi0 * (r_in/rarius) / (nH c)
def log_U_mean | ( | self | ) |
log_U_mean = [float]
log of mean value of U on the volume
def log_U_mean_ne | ( | self | ) |
log_U_mean_ne = [float]
log of mean value of U on the volume weighted by ne.nH
def n_zones | ( | self | ) |
number of zones [int]
def ne | ( | self | ) |
electron density [float array] (cm^-3)
array of electron density (on r_range)
def nenH | ( | self | ) |
ne.nH [float array] (cm^-6)
array of ne.nH (on r_range)
def nH | ( | self | ) |
Hydrogen density [float array] (cm^-3)
array of Hydrogen density (on r_range)
def nH_mean | ( | self | ) |
mean of the Hydrogen density over the volume return: [float]
def plot_spectrum | ( | self, | |
xunit = 'eV' , |
cont = 'ntrans' , |
yunit = 'es' , |
ax = None , |
xlog = True , |
ylog = True , |
kargv | |||
) |
plot the spectrum of the model. parameters: - xunit ['eV'] - cont ['ntrans'] - yunit ['es'] - ax - xlog [True] - ylog [True] - **kargv passed to the plot.
def print_lines | ( | self, | |
ref = None , |
norm = None , |
at_earth = False , |
use_emis = True |
) |
Print line intensities param: at_earth [boolean] if True, divide the intensity by 4.pi.distance^2 ref [int or str] reference of a line (if None, all lines are printed) norm [int or str] reference of a line to normalize the intensities use_emis [boolean] use integral of emissivity (default) or line intensities
def print_stats | ( | self | ) |
def r_range | ( | self | ) |
Boolean array defining the range used for the radial parameters (such as ne, ionic, integrals, etc) Defined by r_in_cut and r_out_cut.
boolean array. True for r_in_cut < radius < r_out_cut, False elsewhere. Used in most of the parameter calls such as te, get_emis, get_ionic, etc
def rad_integ | ( | self, | |
a | |||
) |
rad_integ(a) =
integral of a on the radius
def rad_mean | ( | self, | |
a, | |||
b = 1. |
) |
rad_mean(a, b) =
Return the mean value of a weighted by b on the radius
def radius | ( | self | ) |
radius [float array] (cm)
array of radius (on r_range)
def read_outputs | ( | self, | |
extension, | |||
delimiter = '\t' , |
comments = ';' , |
names = True , |
kwargs | |||
) |
def T0 | ( | self | ) |
Mean Temperature .
def t2 | ( | self | ) |
t2 a la Peimbert
def te | ( | self | ) |
Electron temperature [float array] (K)
array of electron temperature (on r_range)
def tenenH | ( | self | ) | float array
array of (on r_range)
def thickness | ( | self | ) |
thickness [float array] (cm)
array of thickness (on r_range)
def vol_integ | ( | self, | |
a | |||
) |
vol_integ(a) =
integral of a on the volume
def vol_mean | ( | self, | |
a, | |||
b = 1. |
) |
vol_mean(a, b) =
Return the mean value of a weighted by b on the volume
def zones | ( | self | ) |
array of zones [int array]
aborted |
abund |
C3D_comments |
calling |
cautions |
cloudy_version |
cloudy_version_major |
comments |
cool_full |
date_model |
depth_full |
array of depths, r_range unused [float array] (cm)
distance |
distance to the object (kpc)
dr_full |
array of thickness element of each zone, r_range unused [float array] (cm)
dv_full |
array of volume element of each zone, r_range unused float array
emis_full |
emis_is_log |
emis_labels |
emis_labels_13 |
emis_labels_17 |
empty_model |
ff_full |
array of filling factor, r_range unused [float]
gabund_full |
gabund_labels |
gas_mass_per_H |
gasize |
gdgrat_full |
gdgrat_labels |
gdsize |
gsize |
gtemp_full |
gtemp_labels |
H_mass_full |
Hbeta_full |
heat_full |
info |
intens |
ionic_full |
ionic_names |
line_is_log |
line_labels |
line_labels_13 |
line_labels_17 |
lines |
liste_elem |
log_ |
logging tool [my_logging object]
model_name |
name of the model [str]
model_name_s |
n_elements |
n_emis |
n_gabund |
n_gdgrat |
n_gtemp |
n_ions |
n_lines |
n_zones_full |
total number of zones, r_range unused [int]
ne_full |
array of electron density, r_range unused [float] (cm^-3)
nenH_full |
array of ne.nH, r_range unused [float] (cm^-6)
nenHff2_full |
nH_full |
array of Hydrogen density, r_range unused [float] (cm^-3)
nHff_full |
opd_absorp |
opd_energy |
opd_scat |
opd_total |
out |
out_exists |
Phi |
phi |
Phi0 |
plan_par |
Q |
Q0 |
r_in |
Initial radius [float] (cm)
r_out |
Final radius [float] (cm)
radius_full |
array of radius, r_range unused [float array] (cm)
rlines |
slines |
te_full |
array of electron temperature, r_range unused [float] (K)
Teff |
tenenH_full |
array of, r_range unused float
theta |
thickness_full |
total thickness of the nebula, r_range not used [float] (cm)
warnings |
zones_full |
arrays of zones, r_range unused [int array]
static |
static |
static |
User defined inner radius of the nebula [float] (cm)
static |
User defined outer radius of the nebula [float] (cm).
For example: r_out_cut = m.radius[m.zones[m.ionic['H'][1] < 0.2][0]]. It is used to define r_range and thus all the radial properties of the nebula